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Off again, will try to blog this time!

17 Jun

Ok so my blogging didn’t really go so well when I started this… I did one post!

It’s now over a year later and I’m in a similar situation to last time; tomorrow I’m off to China! So let’s see if I can get the hang of this blogging thingy this time….

It’s too late to write now though, need to sleep! 😛 More tomorrow!

New adventure, new life

20 Feb

So yesterday I flew across the Atlantic to the USA. Right now I’m sitting in a hotel room in Tampa Bay, Florida. In about 15 minutes I’ll make my way down to the lobby to get a shuttle bus. Where will this bus take me? To a cruise ship capable of holding nearly 3000 people, which I will, for the next six months at least, call home.

I’m about to start a new life; new job, with new people, on board a gigantic ship, thousands of miles from home. I can’t wait! I’m hoping to use this blog as a way of documenting the experiences I have, for my own memory, but more importantly for the friends and family back at home, who will hopefully want to know what I’m getting up to.

No doubt today will be a whirlwind of information and new things to take in, when I eventually get five minutes (might not be for a few days!) I’ll get back on here and try to give you some idea of what exactly a first day working aboard a cruise ship is like!